Purpose:The purpose of this research is to explain the variables that influence Sustainable

Organizational Performance (SOP) in health services.

Theoretical framework: Performance assessment plays a key role in delivering high-quality healthcare services. Concept of Sustainability Organizational Performance (SOP) considers the natural environment, social and economic aspects of performance, which is also in line with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) concept. The review aims to identify which factors are most important in the literature for Sustainability Organizational Performance in health services.

Methods: The method used is PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-

analyses). Database searches were carried out via Google Scholar, Science Direct and PubMed. The keywords used in journal searches are Sustainable Organizational Performance" OR "Sustainability Performance" OR "Sustainability Organizational".

Result and Conclusion: The results of the database search obtained 4,022,675 journals that matched the keywords, which were then screened based on inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria to obtain 36 journals. Of the 36 journals, there are 64 variables that influence SOP.

Implications of research: This study enhances ten variables of which are the highest variables that influence the SOP the most, namely Outcome, Leadership, Culture, Innovation, Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Strategy, Organization, Evaluation and Competitiveness which influence each other.

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