The scientific paper entitled "Transformation of the Library of the Directorate General of Health Workforce, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Towards Social Inclusion-Based Services" aims to find out about the transformation of services that have been carried out and which will be developed by the Library of the Directorate General of Health. The research method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was carried out by direct observation at the Library of the Directorate General of Health, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia. The Library of the Directorate General of Health is a library under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia which was opened in 2010 and began to transform both its services and activities in 2015. The transformation of social inclusion-based services that have been carried out by the Library of the Directorate General of Health, among others: held sharing sessions, made the library a maker space by holding skills activities, holding story telling activities and participating in promoting Germas (Healthy Living Community Movement) with health education and health checks. The transformation of activities that have been carried out by the Library of the Directorate General of Health will continue to be developed so that it can provide more benefits for the surrounding community agencies

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